Friday, January 8, 2010

Why do teeth stay yellow no mater how much you brush?

Another reason for yellow teeth other than neglecting oral hygiene. Teeth have pulp (the life center of the tooth) and the pulp's color (red) along with the dentin (which is yellow) helps to give our teeth the color we have, some people have very thick enamel where others do not. Remember there are thousands of shades of white. Perfectly white teeth really are not natural and can look like ';chiclets'; gum if you choose to have them veneered or bleached in an unnatural white shade.Why do teeth stay yellow no mater how much you brush?
There are different shades of ';white'; for teeth. Some teeth are more yellow colored than others. Some are stained by coffee, tea,foods etc and brushing usually doesn't completely remedy this. Some people have discolored teeth because they took certain medications as children (tetracycline).Why do teeth stay yellow no mater how much you brush?
its just the way they are. teeth whitening either bleaches your teeth or scratches off a thin layer so it looks white.its very harmful to them though. if your teeth are extremely yellow, just drink more milk. gotta have that iron!
we dont do it enough, or we dont floss everyday. its usually one of those factors. usually a case of gingivitis.
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    Which Makes More Sense When You Wake Up? Brush Your Teeth And Then Eat, Or Eat And Then Brush Your Teeth? Why?

    I Brush And Then Eat....Morning Breath Doesn't Mix Well With My Breakfast...................Which Makes More Sense When You Wake Up? Brush Your Teeth And Then Eat, Or Eat And Then Brush Your Teeth? Why?
    Rinse the mouth with a refresher when you wake up and brush your teeth after breakfast, never before.Which Makes More Sense When You Wake Up? Brush Your Teeth And Then Eat, Or Eat And Then Brush Your Teeth? Why?
    Those who recommend brushing after breakfast has it right.

    If you don't brush after breakfast, all the germs in the sticky white plaque will have an entire uninterrupted morning to sit there and rot away at your enamel, and make you more vulnerable to tooth decay.
    Well this is a personal choice. You do what you like to. Many people prefer to brush and eat, while others do the opposite. It is all a habit. I have heard the benefits from both sides. My cousins on my mom's side like to eat and then brush. Those on my dad's side does the opposide. I personally think it is gross to eat and then brush, but it is still your choice on what you do. Do what you like and feel comfortable with. You should do what you think it is the best for you. Don't try to adapt the other way if you do not want to nor like it.
    I eat and then brush so the milk from my cereal doesn't make my breath stinky all day.
    eat first, then brush. When you eat any food it leaves sugars on your teeth and that starts an attack on the enamel. When you brush you are stopping the process, thus preventing cavities.
    eat and then brush because 1st of all if u brush first u hve the taste of mint while u eat ur breakfast ,, yuck ;; and 2nd of all if u brush first and then eat u will hvee stinky breathe from the food u ate ,, dont forget to brush ur tongue thats where all the food gets stuck andd where bad breathe is made =]

    Why do your gums bleed even if you don't brush hard?

    My friend is having a problem with that and needs some helpWhy do your gums bleed even if you don't brush hard?
    That is a sign of gingivitis. Your friend should be brushing 2-3 times per day. Using a soft bristled brush along the gumline, gently massaging in a circular motion. Also, they should be flossing at least once per day. Listerine rinses can also be helpful.

    If your friend keeps up this routine, the bleeding should stop in 7-10 days.Why do your gums bleed even if you don't brush hard?
    Your not suppose to brush hard. brushing hard only does more harm than good. If your not flossing regularly that could be your answer. Brushing twice a day with a soft / medium bristle tooth bush, in circular motions, 2 minutes each time should help. Along with flossing daily should make the bleeding subside!
    maybe your friend has sensitive gums,or maybe he/she used to brush really hard,therefore making them sensitive.tell ur friend to try avoiding brushing the gums..see if it works,if not,have an appointment with a dentist!

    Is it bad to brush your teeth multiple times a day (as in like 5 or 6)?

    how many times a day should i opt to brush them then?Is it bad to brush your teeth multiple times a day (as in like 5 or 6)?
    NO, it is perfectly fine. ideally, you should brush not only after meals but after having snacks as well. if you can't do it after snacking rinsing your mouth and chewing some gum can help but nothing beats brushing thoroughly.

    it is not really the frequency of brushing that can damage teeth but the way you brush. toothbrush abrasion is caused by brushing with a horizontal stroke along the gumline at the cemento enamel junction (CEJ) because that is where the enamel (the hard covering of the tooth crown) ends and the cementum (the much softer part of teeth covering the roots). not doing this stroke equals no toothbrush abrasion along the CEJ.

    you can use a scrubbing motion on the biting surfaces of your teeth. i recommend a sweeping motion starting at the gum area with a semi-circular motion of the brush by rotating your wrist. this way the bristles massage your gums and engage the areas between teeth in one motion. each surface should receive at least ten strokes each. the more often you thoroughly remove bacterial build-up on teeth, the more you reduce the risk for dental caries.

    but because many people find it difficult to brush more often, brushing AT LEAST TWICE A DAY (morning and evening after meals) is the recommended MINIMUM. so, go ahead brush five times a day but brush the right way.Is it bad to brush your teeth multiple times a day (as in like 5 or 6)?
    Brushing too often can actually cause your gums to recede. Sensitive teeth are a symptom of gum recession and over years this could cause you to actually lose your teeth. You shouldn't brush more than 2-3 times a day. Try rinsing with a non-alcohol based mouthwash instead when you feel the need to brush excessively. Also make sure you're getting the most out of your brushing by brushing for about 2 minutes each time and making sure you get all of the surfaces of your teeth. Don't forget to floss either, but don't do any of these excessively.

    Make sure to cover your toothbrush - dont introduce it to any germs. Also leaving it in wet baggies or cases can cause bacteria...
    Yes...the bristles on toothbrushes can wear away the enamel of your teeth and make your teeth more sensitive and more susceptible to bacterial decay...also, I'm not entirely sure, but it may also cause your gums to recede more, making your teeth look longer and dont need to brush after every meal...rinsing your mouth out with clean water, chewing gum, and using mouthwash are all acceptable alternatives.
    yes because i wears down your enamel and makes it sensitive and the it is really easy to get cavities and decay and gum disease i think you should brush your teeth 3 times a day at most it is just enough and does not wear down your enamel as fast hope i helped montana
    not eaxctly. but if you brush that much everyday than it can wear away enamel and your teeth will look decayed. it is actually very common in the U.S. just keep it under a normal amount a day like 3-4 times a day.:)
    Yes, it actually takes the enamel off your teeth and weakens them. I suggest brushing your teeth 3 times a day: after breakfast, after lunch, and after dinner.
    it depends on the times of the day. if they are close together, it could be dangerous because it removes enamel from your teeth. If they are more spread throughout the day, it should be fine
    yes, thats is way to many times a day. it could cause problems to ur teeth
    Yes, it can wear away your enamel.

    Why should I brush twice a day isn't once good enough?

    u should actually brush and floss after every meal. our mouths house a bevy of bacterias that feed off the food residue and cause tooth decay. flossing is equally as important as brushing because when food is trapped between our teeth, decay can start on two teeth at once. we call that inter proximal caries. brushing and flossing twice a day is a good start.Why should I brush twice a day isn't once good enough?
    You should brush as much as possible. There are hundreds of types of bacteria in your mouth that causes tooth decay, and bad breath. If you don't brush after eating and then you go to sleep, the food is breaking down on your teeth and the bacteria multiply and cause cavities. Scrape your tongue, brush the roof and sides of your mouth, and most importantly FLOSS also.

    Brush brush brush.

    To answer your question, no it isn't good enough. Unless you want your teeth to fall out, then you don't have to spend 10 mins a day taking car of your own mouth.Why should I brush twice a day isn't once good enough?
    My dentist tells me I should brush after breakfast, lunch, dinner AND right before I go to sleep. He also says I should floss twice a day and use mouthwash.

    I ignore him. I've always brushed once a day and I'm fine.
    Thoroughly cleaning your teeth (brushing and flossing) once a day will remove decay producing plaque.

    But there is nothing like that just brushed feeling to give you confidence and help with bad breath..
    My friend brushing twice a day is the best way to get rid of unhealthy bacteria in our mouths. Also if you don't brush at night, while you sleep you constantly have your mouth closed at least for 8 hours or so, so this is the perfect breeding ground for bacteria. But if you brush right before bed you reduce the number of harmful bacteria that defiantly going to build up my friend! P.S. Sneak in a 3rd time if possible too!

    My friend says she uses a garden rake to brush her hair in the morning and it works well. Is this true?

    Of course it's true, and I bet she uses a pressure washer to rinse with. Seriously, think about it, your friend is Yankin your chain!My friend says she uses a garden rake to brush her hair in the morning and it works well. Is this true?
    No she is lieing. If so I have never heard of that before.

    Kay KayMy friend says she uses a garden rake to brush her hair in the morning and it works well. Is this true?
    She's just pulling your leg. Come on now. Think about it. =]
    I use a garden rake to brush my friends hair...
    Ok that is very very weird...
    what do you think?
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